The Energy Cleansing involves three separate components: Emotional Cord Cutting, Negative Energy Removal, and Purification of Light. Collectively, they support one another to remove all foreign energies affecting the mind, body, and energetic structure.

1 | Emotional Cord Cutting

Whenever we have an emotional response to a relationship, event, or situation, whether positive or negative, a cord can be formed from it. These energetic cords consistently flow energy between you and the source which it originated from. This means even though you are not physically associated or within the general vicinity of a particular person, you are still energetically connected. This can result in feeling emotionally imbalanced, physically fatigued, stressed, and anxiety. All of which can cause negative patterns from the past to still take prevalence, preventing you from truly healing and moving forward.

Not all cords are negative or unhealthy, some are fitting to have, such as with loved ones or children. During the process of an Emotional Cord Cutting, all cords are severed and you are free to reconnect with those that are significant to you. We all deserve a fresh start and an opportunity to truly let go.

2 | Negative Energy Removal

Have you had an altercation with an individual that resulted in extremely negative verbal comments being mentioned behind your back? Perhaps you feel that some negative energy is being directed towards you and it’s having a serious effect on the quality of your life. Ever heard the following phrase, “Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions?”. This phase is true on all accounts. It’s exactly how negative energy is created and can damages us, whether consciously done or not.

A Negative Energy Removal is your key to reversing, clearing, and sending that unwanted energy back to where it came from. It removes psychic and mental blocks that may be keeping you from being your best. Once this process is complete, you will feel in control of your own life once again.

3 | Purification by Light

Our energy fields constantly interact with the energy of others. It’s not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people or situations. Usually it doesn’t not serve us well, as it can harbor unwanted thoughts and unprocessed emotions. Any of these foreign energies can disrupt our energy field and cause blockages to its natural flow. These unwanted energies can also cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, and even illness if unattended for too long.

During the Purification of Light, a blast of high vibrational energy is used to clear out these negative energies that are attached, leaving you feeling centered, calm, and at peace.


Choose the package that best suits your needs and register for availability.


Energy Cleansing
$ 150 + tax
  • Consultation
  • Energy Cleansing
  • 30 Minutes


Energy Cleansing & Life Activation
$ 350
+ tax
  • Energy Cleansing
  • Life Activation
  • 90 Minutes

The human system is composed of several bodies: the physical, the emotional, and the mental. This helps us to experience different phenomena in various levels. Located in the auric field, the emotional body roughly follows the outline of the physical body. It often appears as a misty multi-colored, constantly undulating field that extends about three inches outward from the physical body.

The emotional body can become damaged when a person suffers some kind of traumatic, shocking, or unhappy event. These types of experiences can have to do with stressful relationships, both personal and professional. It can also be damaged during childhood from family relationships, as well as through other formative relationships such as with teachers, friends, and classmates. If left unchecked and not released, these emotions can then solidify into blockages that prevent rhythmic flow of the energy field. It is these blockages that can keep us distancing ourselves from others, repeating negative patterns, and experiencing vast forms of illnesses.

How can these blockages be cleared?

The Emotional Body Healing causes a death and rebirth of the emotional body, laying a new foundation for all of our emotional experiences. It redirects energy so you can focus and accomplish more in life, change patterns, heal old wounds, and attract greater abundance.


Choose the package that best suits your needs and register for availability.


ISIS Healing
$ 160 + tax
  • Consultation
  • ISIS Healing
  • 60 Minutes


ISIS Healing & Energy Cleansing
$ 280
+ tax
  • ISIS Healing
  • Energy Cleansing
  • 90 Minutes

We are composed of various complex energy bodies, systems and structures, one of them is the etheric body. Existing within the layer of your aura closest to your physical body, it is here that negative debris can collect as a result of factors including illness, stress, or trauma. When the aura is compromised, its structure can weaken by thinning out, resulting in dark spots, or even developing holes. This causes energy to leak while creating blockages to prevent you from connecting to your higher self and moving forward in life.

Etheric Reconstruction is the is all about cleaning up or decluttering the etheric body by removing the remains allowing for sense of relief, release of tension, pressure and a renewed sense of freedom.

* Includes a set of spagyrics that help with the detoxification process.



> Release negative patterns

> Improve physical and emotional health

> Let go of negative thoughts associated with physical trauma or accidents

> Restore your connection to the divine


Choose the package that best suits your needs and register for availability.


Etheric Reconstruction
$ 350 + tax
  • Consultation
  • Etheric
  • 60 Minutes


Etheric Reconstruction & Energy Cleansing
$ 450
+ tax
  • Etheric
  • Energy Cleansing
  • 90 Minutes

Negative energies or unwanted lower vibrations are toxic to your entire system, it can make you feel heavy, dark, and gloomy. With your mind and body being so intrinsically connected, the effect can go beyond the mental and emotional. It can start to deeply effect the physical body through tense muscles, shallow breathing and elevated levels of cortisol – all signs of a stress response that could lead to illness, so clearing these energies is an important strategy to restore or maintain your well-being.

By accessing the ray of Ra, this modality uses the source energy of creation to clear out your aura of unwanted lower vibrations that do not serve your best interest. It heals as it purifies your personal energy field, restoring its capacity to contain Light. The Ra healing places you in a protective seal which acts as a buffer between you and undesirable negative energies. You will feel lighter, refreshed and revitalized.


Choose the package that best suits your needs and register for availability.


Ra Healing
$ 350 + tax
  • Consultation
  • Ra Healing
  • 60 Minutes


Ra Healing & Energy Cleansing
$ 450
+ tax
  • Ra Healing
  • Energy Cleansing
  • 90 Minutes