Become a Certified Practitioner

Discover The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™ Healing Modality, the most comprehensive Reiki training on the planet. Here is your opportunity to learn the first level of this system and become a Certified Fundamental Ensofic Reiki practitioner. Help others re-orient their body, soul and spirit to unleash there unlimited potential and achieve healing and transformation.

The Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™

The Ensofic Ray Healing Modality is separated into three unique and comprehensive training courses. Each course builds on the one before, as it takes the student deeper into the modality, while introducing additional techniques to further enhance their skill set.

  • Fundamental Ensofic Reiki (Level 1)
  • Intermediate Ensofic Reik (Level 2)
  • Advanced Ensofic Reiki (Level 3)

For more information, please visit the official Ensofic Ray website.


Why Learn Fundamental Ensofic Reiki?

Every day, situations arise where we must interact with other people, or face our own selves (such as our thoughts, feelings, and emotions), in a fast-paced world. It is easier than ever to get lost in the day-to-day activities and stressors of life. Often, we find ourselves succumbing to these pressures, which can negatively impact our health and overall well-being  physically, mentally, and spiritually.

When this occurs, it is important that we find a way to reconnect with ourselves and with others. For many, this can involve overcoming negative patterns, healing emotional trauma, and/or realigning one’s mental, emotional, and physical structures. A number of these solutions are studied and applied in Fundamental Ensofic Reiki.

This training will introduce you to metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings intended to awaken your innate healing abilities, and ultimately teach you how to navigate masterfully through life.

Who Should Take This Training?

Anyone who is interested in improving their understanding of healing, transformation, and the unlimited potential within themselves and others will find this training incredibly valuable and practical.

This 2-day, densely packed training course features a balanced combination of in-depth theory and application. It is designed for those seeking to learn from an authentic and unbroken lineage. It will build your foundation and understanding of this comprehensive healing modality in a way that is both fun and challenging.

Course Curriculum


Students will embark on an in-depth study of the history of the Ensofic Ray Healing Modality as a whole. This includes exploring Mikao Usui’s humble beginnings, and unfolding his life during and after his discovery of Reiki.

Life Mastery

This segment introduces students to deep metaphysical concepts and ancient teachings to empower one’s life. We will examine various Eastern and Western principles, tools, and strategies designed to change your approach to life, and challenge you to seek more from yourself.

Hands on Healing

Applying the techniques passed down from Mikao Usui and the Modern Mystery School, students will learn how to generate Ensofic Reiki, identify and remove energetic blockages, re-balance the energetic structure, and integrate the energy through massage, all while practicing on themselves and on fellow classmates.


Learn about The Max Meditation System™, a powerful practice that helps bring clarity to every area of life. It has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress and fear while improving focus and memory – one of the most effective methods of self-care.

About Sylwester Organka

As an award-winning, multi-national Muay Thai champion with 25 years of Martial Arts training, supplemented by 11 years of Qigong training (with focus on Daoist Medical Qigong), as well as a passion for healing arts and philosophy rooted in ancient traditions, Sylwester Organka is an international instructor in the Modern Mystery School who has dedicated his life to learning, researching, and imparting knowledge on utilizing ancient lineage-based healing modalities.

Sylwester received specialized training on the Modern Mystery School Ensofic Ray™ healing modality under Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, who is a Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhist Priest and the International Head Instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute based in Tokyo, Japan. Sylwester has the honour of bridging the Eastern and Western worlds through instructing the masses on Ensofic Reiki, and empowering students to achieve optimal health, personal transformation, and spiritual growth.


Choose your plan and register.
A $300 deposit is required to guarantee your spot. Payment in full is required on the first day of class. 

Early Bird

Fundamental Ensofic Reiki
$ 949
+ tax & fees
  • 2 Days of Training
  • Official Manual
  • Certification


Fundamental Ensofic Reiki
$ 999
+ tax & fees
  • 2 Days of Training
  • Official Manual
  • Certification